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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Health Food

Health Food

The South Beach Diet has swept the globe. Success story after success story has been reported. The rapid weight loss can be attributed to one stage in particular. Surprisingly, fruit is not considered a health food nor part of the…

Health Information

Health Information

Whether at election time or any other time of the political year, health care issues always seem to garner a lot of attention from the public and the media. Government-funded programs continue to help people have access to necessary health…

Health Care

Health Care

There is an initiative by our government called “50 Schools in 50 States” which aims at encouraging our young ones in school to make healthy choices. The Surgeon General is going to visit schools to discuss dangerous behavior and health…

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Myths about your health have been around forever. Don’t be fooled by the cliché myths of the medical world. This article will find the truth in five popular beliefs. Read on for details about misleading myths regarding health habits. Health…

World Health Organization

World Health Organization

The World Health Organization, part of the UN, serves a multitude of functions, ranging from providing direct humanitarian aid to establishing global days focusing on the necessity of blood. The World Health Organization is the arm of the United Nations…