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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Keeping up to date with news can be a difficult task in our busy lives. Reading the newspaper every day is a struggle, and opting for the news channel instead of a rerun of Seinfeld can be a tricky feat. Even so, it is important to know what is going on in the world around you, including health news.
Health news is not always on the top of our priority list. Sure, we know it is important to be healthy, and the basics of health care are well-versed, but health news in general is not a huge concern of most people. The latest fad diets are always sprawled across the fashion magazines in bold lettering, but the true health news, such as a breakthrough in lung cancer medicine, is usually buried in some back page of a short little blurb, if mentioned at all.
Discoveries of new viruses and advancements in technology are being achieved every day, but most people do not hear about them because the media does not think the people are very interested. And the media might be right. But we should be interested in health news, because it affects us both directly and indirectly. Information about the latest vaccine, studies concerning whether schizophrenia is contagious, and facts about Alzheimer’s are all important issues that can involve us or someone we know and care about.
Here are a few ways you can keep up with current health news:
Keeping up with the health news can be extremely beneficial to you and your family, but be sure to not allow yourself to be swindled by outrageous claims such as a revival of the Black Plague wiping out the entire country of Romania – unless of course it did actually happen and The National Enquirer was not the only paper that covered it. Simply take into consideration the source of the health news you read or hear about before you begin fearing for your life against a virus spread by Jell-o.